
Introducing Cambio.

Why now is the time for Cambio, and how Cambio may help your institution.

October 12, 2021

Informal Science Learning institutions have, for years, tackled the question: How better to engage with and support our Latinx communities? Now, more than ever, with the deep impacts of the pandemic disproportionately affecting Latinx communities and a racial reckoning that encourages museums to examine their current practices, it is imperative for museums to become more relevant and responsive to their local Latinx community members.

Participation in the Cambio yearlong professional development opportunity will support museums as they:

  • Learn with and from their local Latinx communities
  • Shift their STEM practices to be more inclusive for staff and audience
  • Create and strengthen cross-departmental relationship-building, communication and goal setting
  • Examine existing structures and assumptions
  • Identify areas for positive change, with concrete goals and plans included
  • Invest in ongoing and long term organizational change
  • Learn from museum peers engaging in the same ongoing reflection and action-taking
Pull quote highlighting benefits of Cambio.

The Cambio program is about building understanding, reciprocity, and a foundation of co-creation with local Latinx communities, highlighting the diversity and legacy of Latino contributions to STEM. It’s about cultivating cross-departmental ownership, gathering relevant data, and taking part in community dialogue to build internal staff capacity and clarify the organization’s STEM identity.

Readiness for risk-taking, growth and evolution is key to this work. These set the groundwork for internal shifts that enable deeper, longer, and more effective community connections for individuals and institutions engaging in this journey.

You can learn more about our approach in Our Value.

We welcome you to join us on this journey together,

The Cambio Project Team

Learn more about our Team.
Making the case